Monday, May 24, 2010

Smart Building Tips For the Home Builder By David B Mills

If you are making a outside deck area and you want it to look great! Then I suggest you use a wide board (approximately 150mm wide) better to use a Hardwood (there are several types readily available) check with your local timber yard to find the most suitable for your deck.
When using a wide board it is recommended that you use a Stainless steel batten screw. A 14 gauge is the standard size It has a wide head and will stop the board from pulling the screw through the timber. When using a standard 10 gauge square drive decking screw the heads are very small, and the wider the plank the more chance the head of the screw will pull through after a period of time once the timber planks have dried out.
If you are building your deck outside and close to the beach it is recommended that you use a Grade 316 Batten screw as these are a marine grade and will nut rust. If the deck is undercover and not exposed to the elements then a grade 304 can be used.
If using a smaller width plank then a 10 gauge screw can be used. The length of the screw you are using will be determined by the thickness of the plank you are applying. the square drive screws have the best look once completed, as phillips drive screws tend to strip out on application and not giving you the desired look you want.
Batten screws have a hexagon drive instead of the square drive which still have a great look once completed.
Oxenford Bolt Shack Pty Ltd for all your Stainless Steel needs. Galvanised bolts and screws

Friday, May 21, 2010

photo furniture

photo furniture for file, and special edition in home

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nomad Furniture: design, case studies, and philosophy

introNomad Furniture: design, case studies, and philosophy

(Dedicated to the Instructables member who said he wanted more ‘nomad furniture’ essays.)

If any of you have a doubt after seeing the second paragraph, let me say now that this Instructable is indeed about material things you can build, and, yes, it is aptly titled “nomad furniture” despite that the second and third paragraph and perhaps following paragraphs (I write extemporaneously) seem at first to betray “The Writer-to-Reader Contract.” Enough said. I need not say anything more about lack of patience for inductive ideas in today’s “I want it NOW” society. I need say little about some poet’s greatest of all lines from a poem I can’t find right now (paraphrased), “My students want to tie a poem to a chair and beat a confession out of it.” No siree, this Instructable is and will be stripped down the merest of dripping wet skeletons....pretty soon.

The Statue of Liberty-From-Massive-Possessions would have a base inscription rather like this: “Send me your over-burdened rooms, your bent-spines, your over-complexified psyches, your materially confused masses.” He would look like .... (I think it should be a “he” in this case, and let me justify that.)

The Statue of Liberty-From-Massive-Possessions should be in the form a slender but well-made male who looks as if he would not choose to carry a lot of stuff even if offered it for free; if he looks like a weightlifter....big problems (as our Statue of Liberty does -- she’s one tough one, that’s for sure; if Godzilla attacked, she would thrash him to jelly with her Flaming Torch of Freedom, and head-butt holes in him with her Radiant Spike Helmet of Destruction). A beefed-up Statue of Liberty-From-Massive-Possessions would seem to have formerly lived a life-style enabling him to carry great burdens of consumer junk, and perhaps, like any addict, be ready to go back to that life again. OK.

Well, few people need to be convinced that even a settled-stuff-ridden society such as America does not have some aspects of nomad life-style. Our cars today are as good as the houses of another generation even considering the space issue (engineers can solve that easily with inflatable space) -- by the blind and earless gods! 1,000 watt radios, AC, TV’s CDs, DVDs, GPS, SR, and cup holders that take, hold out, reach out, clutch dearly. With fold-down rear seats, sleeping in your car was never easier, assuming you don’t have a van. What is VW Bus nostaligia but a contemporary myth used to justify our unfulfillable (if you pay taxes) yearnings for nomadism? Our daily backpacks carry survival gear that could keep us going a week (below the 40th parallel), in good books, snacks, and rain-wear, if we can only find a water source. Finally, our life-paths partake strongly of nomadism -- college-student life is the best example, but we do tend to move around a lot. Are you convinced yet?

OK, after you graduate, you may be divorced/divided (flip the coin, heads, you stay together, tails, not). You will be moving. To smaller a place. What a great time for nomad furniture? Or what if you stay married, or never marry and stay with your Other, or have a series of insignificant shallow relationships, but you have to move any way because you were laid off, fired, became bored, or promoted (“Sally, you can have that vice-president job, but you’ll have to move or commute to Wyoming.”)....?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- You all need nomad furniture. Read the rest of this Instructable to see a nomad bookcase (an early and a later version), side stand/desk stand (was used for both), computer desk (alluded to in my “Fun with Office Rectangles” essay), map-table/map storage box, and night-stand (you will need some rest when you are finished here).

Note that all the stuff I build is so simple that the construction steps simply leap out at you without the need for extra words here; this leaves me room for the more important ideas surrounding these material things.(

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Furniture Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Furniture adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk perabot rumah tangga yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpan barang, tempat duduk, tempat tidur, tempat mengerjakan sesuatu dalam bentuk meja atau tempat menaruh barang di permukaannya. Misalnya furniture sebagai tempat penyimpan biasanya dilengkapi dengan pintu, laci dan rak, contoh lemari pakaian, lemari buku dll. Furniture dapat terbuat dari kayu, bambu, logam, plastik dan lain sebagainya. Furniture sebagai produk artistik biasanya terbuat dari kayu pilihan dengan warna dan tekstur indah yang dikerjakan dengan penyelesaian akhir yang halus.
Sejauh ini industri furniture mebel Indonesia masih memiliki pamor bagus dalam perdagangan dunia. Pada ajang pameran tunggal bertajuk “Indonesia Paviliun” yang berlangsung selama 18-22 Maret 2007 di Shenzen - Cina, furniture asal Indonesia banyak diminati oleh para pembeli internasional. Terdapat sekitar 50 hingga 70 pembeli telah meminta pengusaha Indonesia untuk menjadi pemasok furniture dan kerajinanIndonesia dengan nilai transaksi mencapai sekitar US$ 100 juta .
Pemerintah juga telah mengupayakan untuk mengembangkan industri furniture. Terlebih sektor ini telah ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai salah satu dari 10 komoditas unggulan ekspor Tanah Air. Ini didukung baik oleh aspek kualitas dan desain produk yang diminati oleh konsumen luar negeri, ketersedian bahan baku maupun sumber daya manusia yang terampil.
Demikian juga dari sisi pangsa pasar nasional, industri mebel lokal masih menguasai 70% pasar mebel domestik. Tetapi pangsa pasar ini terancam oleh impor mebel asal China yang pertumbuhannya mencapai 200% per tahun dalam satu tahun terakhir. Peningkatan impor mebel asal China yang terjadi tiap tahun terutama untuk segmen mebel murah, untuk pasar menengah ke bawah.